SF Date Ideas You’ll Both Actually Enjoy Right Now
- September 27, 2021
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- Yolanda Mathew
Keep romance alive with a vampire-themed bar, pumpkin picking, art experiences, and more
By Daisy Barringer, THRILLIST
Okay, so “hot vax summer” was a bit of a bust in SF, mostly because we don’t celebrate the season known as “summer” when everyone else does, but also because ever-evolving and (re)tightening restrictions, like the return of the indoor mask mandate and proof of vaccination requirements for bars, restaurants, clubs, large events, etc. At the time, those sent a lot of us running back into the arms of our familiar friends, but now that we’re pretty used to the current rules (and since they don’t seem like they’ll be going anywhere anytime soon), it’s time for us to get back out there and do fun things in the name of not dying alone.
Whether you’re scouting prospects for cuffing season or spending QT with your significant other, we’re here to help you maximize any time not spent working at your dining room table or sitting on your couch. Which is where we come in with this list of actually fun fall date ideas, all of which will still actually be fun even if your date is just your bestie or yourself. And only one of which involves a pumpkin patch. Read the full article here...